
Showing posts from July, 2008

Wish me luck

Well after so much of contemplating I have made up my mind to apply for a new job. Yes I got myself registered with a couple of agencies and also I did send my application via email to 2 companies and more would follow soon. I guess if you read my previous blog, you would understand the predicament that I am in now based on the current situation of my present company and I guess it is not going to get any better. I am right now, as you can say at the cross road in my life, and I know that it is the next stage of my life. As I believe everything has an expiry date and you either finish it before that or you just simply discard it. So these next couple of days or weeks are pretty crucial and I hope everything will work out fine otherwise it would be status quo for me as I still have my current job.

A blank mind

I am facing the dilemma now, a blank mind to blog due to the heavy work load. Deadlines to meet and I don't have a solution to my problems. I have lots of things to do but just don't know where to start or is it that I just can't start it as there is no solutions to start with. I have no one to confide with my problems too, I have tons of work but I just don't have the means to execute it as I am just an employee in my company. Now what should I do? That is a very difficult question for me to answer, 'to act or not to act', what choices do I have? Not many based on this present circumstances, either I flow with the tide or sink with it. Now you may be wondering what the hell am I talking about, but I guess I just can't pour everything out in my blog and if you read between the lines, I am sure you would have guessed what I am talking about. So I really do have a blank mind now with all these mounting problems. Maybe I am feeling a little better now aft...

Busy building homes

Looks pretty impressive huh? Well this is where I am in-charge now at the moment. The houses are ready and we are waiting for the approvals from the authorities. It is just a matter of time and doing up the touch up and defect works are really killing us and it is taking most of my time here. Ever since I came back to Kuala Lumpur , I just couldn't find the time to blog. In the evening I end up going back to my HQ to be with my boss and I will leave for home at 11.30 p.m. after having a few rounds of drinks and then dinner. Guess I can't go on this way as I am dead tired by Saturday. The houses looks nice but I am under tremendous pressure to deliver the other phases which we are facing a bit of a problem with the sub-contractors, hopefully to sort it out soon. The good news is that I have my Internet connected to my office cabin now and I should be able to blog when I find the spare time from my office.

At home at last

Sorry that I couldn’t update my blog for the past few days as I landed in Kuala Lumpur International Airport on 09. 07. 2008 at 8 a.m. and I have been busy after that, I went to my office in the afternoon. And yesterday I took possession of the company car (4WD) and in the afternoon I was at my site, got my cabin cleaned and this morning I am sitting in the site office. I don’t have my internet connection at my cabin and I guess I have to endure with that for a couple of days or weeks. Well I had just finished my lunch just now and I had fish curry with rice and cabbage, boy how the prices of food has gone up, it cost me RM 5.80 which I guess when I was working in Kuala Lumpur 6 years back would have just cost me only half of that. I would surely post some photos from my new job site and it would be in my next postings. I am still trying to get my bearing here. Maybe it will take awhile for me to get use to the change in working culture. Hope to fill up on what’s happening ar...

A quiet day for packing

Yes I finally got myself to do the packing this morning and I have already packed one suitcase with my stuff and the hand luggage is for my office stuff and electronic items. I have to squeeze my RBK walking shoes which is very dusty(after all my evening walks), I asked my servant to clean it up and I have to somehow fit it in my luggage. And I hope I don't have other things too that I have left out. Anyway by the way things are going I guess I will have to be back in India in another 6 weeks and then I will have more space to carry most of the stuff and also dispose all the things in the house. I am paying 2 months rent and I have another 2 months deposit on the house. I have to decide on that when I am in Kuala Lumpur as I have a lot files stored in the house. I somehow have this feeling of emptiness since I know I am leaving for home, maybe in time to come I will overcome that and get used to the feeling that nothing in life is permanent. We are here on this earth as a paying g...

Good Riddance party for me

Well it looks like I am digging into the fish curry that I had made for my party and everyone seemed to have loved it. Guess they are going to miss my cooking huh! We had quite a lot stuff made by everyone in my house and lunch was, would you believe it at 5.00 p.m. but then we were drinking and eating other stuff like fried fish, stir fried vege, etc... This time I went easy with the drinks so I was sober until the end. Infact in the evening after lunch, we went to a lake nearby our place and the ladies went for shopping after that and we resumed our party again at night (mind you I drove the car back from shopping). The party got over by close to midnight and we had another round of food but by then the late lunch was more like dinner for me and there were a lot of left overs. So I would like to say "Thank you friends" I would be bringing back my memories with you to Malaysia when I leave on 08.07.08 for being such a wonderful neighbour. Au Revoir

Goodbye to my bachelor pad in India

Well what you see below is my little pad in Sainikpuri which is about 40 minutes drive from Hyderabad and why I chose this place was that it is a relatively quiet place and I like the design of the house with it's marble flooring. It is more of a studio apartment with only a master bedroom, a nice huge toilet where I can place my washing machine and a spacious kitchen. It definitely is a setting for a bachelor life, where everything is within reach. I had even set up my office in the living area and with my workstation in my room. Even my dinning is in the living area. So it's going to be goodbye to this pad and back to normal life in Kuala Lumpur. Gonna miss my privacy though but hey look at the bright side, I would be with my family.

Do you believe in soulmates?

What is your take on this? It crossed my mind as I was reading Paulo Coelho's latest book titled "Brida" and I am half way through it now and I really find it interesting. Would anyone of you like to share your feelings about soulmate or do you feel that you are married to your soulmate. Here is what Brida was told by Wicca 'But how will I know who my Soulmate is?' 'By taking risks,' she said to Brida. 'By risking failure, dissappointment, disillusion, but never ceasing in your search for Love. As long as you keep looking, you will triumph in the end.' It is quite intriguing to even think that we have a soulmate out there and if we haven't found our soulmate then when are we going to do it and who are we married with now at the present moment. Is it because we haven't found our soulmate, we end up quarelling and fighting with our present spouse. It's just a thought, like they say "marriages are made in heaven" but with t...

Check out my new blog at Wordpress

I have started another blog at wordpress and I find the interface really cool. But still there are a lot of stuff that I have to learn there and that would keep me busy tonight. Not that I have a lot to blog but I thought why put all the eggs in one basket. In terms of ease of use my vote goes for blogger but I still haven't figured how to place the adverts in wordpress. So if you guys can just drop in there and leave some comments, I guess you would me a great favour. The link is: So drop by and give me a thumbs up for it and not the other way around.

Virtual life

Yes for the past couple of years that is how my life is. Been on the net and been chatting or replying to comments on my blogs. I have been in Hyderabad for the past 6 years and I guess for the last 5 years I am on the net almost every night surfing and blogging. I use to chat in the initial stages but after that I used my energy putting up my blogs and live a virtual life. I think I am a blogaholic now if ever such a word exist. I have 5 blogs and currently 3 of them are active and now this one. What makes me blog? I guess it must be the addiction and boredom. Am I losing sight of reality? Who do I talk to except the pages in my blogs and sharing it with others who I guess are in a similar boat like me, it is a sinking boat? I rather spend my time with my notebook then going for a drink in the pub, is there something terribly wrong here. I keep checking my emails for any reply to my blogs and feel rather disappointed if there is no comments on my blogs. Do you have the same feeling...

Nasi Goreng

Another of my simple and frugal recipe if you want something light but at the same time filling. I guess anyone can cook it and all it needs is a little patience. The ingredients for this nasi goreng which means fried rice is as follows: 1. 200 grammes chicken breast piece or more 2. Light soya sauce 3 tsp 3. Chilly powder 1/2 tsp 4. Garlic 3 pods cut into tiny pieces 5. Large onion cut into wedges 6. Green chilli cut into thin slices 7. Spring onions cut finely for garnishing 8. Capsicum cut into thin slices 9. Dark Soya Sauce (optional) 10. Salt to taste 11. Cooked cooled rice of your choice but I prefer Basmati or left over rice ( a plate full of rice ) 12. Cooking Oil 2 tbs 13. Shredded cabbage (1 cup) 14. Egg 15. Tomato 16. Lettuce 17. Cucumber Marinate 1. Marinate the thinly cut slices of the chicken breast in light soya sauce of 2 tsp Set it aside for 15 minutes Cooking process In a wok, add cooking oil and when the oil is hot, place in the garlic and stir fry for a few minutes ...

Well I am finally leaving Hyderabad

Thought my departure from Hyderabad was going to be delayed by 2 weeks but I got a call yesterday from HQ asking me to leave for KL on 04.07.08 and I was delighted. The sad thing is that I have to wait for some documents from HQ and after that for our JV partner to send someone to get the document from me and hence I guess my safe bet would be on 08.07.08,I had cancelled my previous flight booking and would do so only after I see the document and a confirmation from our JV partner when they are collecting the document. But never the less it was a good piece of news that I had recieved yesterday and now the waiting game starts. Lot of stuff to do before I leave Hyderabad and I have to start now. Wish me luck.