Good Riddance party for me

Well it looks like I am digging into the fish curry that I had made for my party and everyone seemed to have loved it. Guess they are going to miss my cooking huh! We had quite a lot stuff made by everyone in my house and lunch was, would you believe it at 5.00 p.m. but then we were drinking and eating other stuff like fried fish, stir fried vege, etc...

This time I went easy with the drinks so I was sober until the end. Infact in the evening after lunch, we went to a lake nearby our place and the ladies went for shopping after that and we resumed our party again at night (mind you I drove the car back from shopping).

The party got over by close to midnight and we had another round of food but by then the late lunch was more like dinner for me and there were a lot of left overs.

So I would like to say "Thank you friends" I would be bringing back my memories with you to Malaysia when I leave on 08.07.08 for being such a wonderful neighbour.

Au Revoir


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