Wish me luck

Well after so much of contemplating I have made up my mind to apply for a new job. Yes I got myself registered with a couple of agencies and also I did send my application via email to 2 companies and more would follow soon.

I guess if you read my previous blog, you would understand the predicament that I am in now based on the current situation of my present company and I guess it is not going to get any better.

I am right now, as you can say at the cross road in my life, and I know that it is the next stage of my life. As I believe everything has an expiry date and you either finish it before that or you just simply discard it.

So these next couple of days or weeks are pretty crucial and I hope everything will work out fine otherwise it would be status quo for me as I still have my current job.


Sujata said…
All the best Sukku, hope you find yourself in a better situation…either things get better at your current job or you get a job where you feel valued.
Sukku said…
I hope so, anyway I am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you.
Ugich Konitari said…
new horizons, new efforts, new jobs. I wish you the very best in your new job...
Sukku said…
Thanks Ugich Konitari, I am still waiting for the reply for the resumes that I have sent by email.
Lakshmi said…
all the best...I am sure you will find what you want..Change is something we all want and the change will always be for the better
personally speaking, I love changing jobs and get bored with the same job after max 3/4 years. but as a teacher, my opportunities are restricted. For you corporate guys, the options are endless. So, go for it and all the best!
Sukku said…
Thank you Lakshmi...hope to get another job soon
Sukku said…
Sucharita Sarkar thank you and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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