What it feels like being at home...after a long journey with.....

Taken with Dato' Dr. Rozali on 24.09.09
Has it ever occur to you that when you have an heart attack, the worst would be coming upon you and you are not in control of your life at that moment. Well that was what I felt on 06.09.09 as I lay in the emergency bed and knowing that I am having a heart attack. But at that moment everything seemed fine, I was on the phone calling my wife and later my boss. I didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation until the Doctor, knocked some sense into me and when I asked him when I can get back to work....he said...not for a long time...

The next question was....I want to get back to my home town in KL...and he said a flat no as I was not in a condition to travel....well that was some consolation..being 400 km away from Kuala Lumpur...

Anyway my BP and other stuff was stabilized by the evening but I was still at the CCU/ICU and they allowed me to be transferred to Subang Medical Center by an ambulance with 2 paramedics in it.

I was happy to be transferred and I slept through the journey and then it was back to square one, they put me in CCU and started all the tests and they prepared me for angiogram when I was stabilized the following day.

Now that was an eye opener for me, all the junk food, cigarettes, drinks, rich fat laden food along with my stress related work and being away alone all the time did show up....

I HAD 3 MAJOR BLOCKS.....thus the heart attack.....my Doctor Jeyamalar couldn't do her magic of angioplasty as my blocks were almost 100%....my wife cried...she asked what was next.....

I was referred to Dato' Dr. Rozali, the top notch surgeon who was involved for the CABG done on our former Prime Minister Dr. M....he explained the risks and the procedure to us....I only had one question to ask him...

"What is your fatality rate"....he replied he has done about 400 CABG...and "zero"...and I told him that was enough.......and I thanked God as I knew I was in good hands...

I was discharged and I had to spent a week at home before the surgery...they can't operate immediately after a heart attack ....now that was the tense part...I am waiting at home with a potential time bomb in my chest...

I was admitted again to the Hospital....and operated on 17.09.09 and on 19.09.09 was brought back to the normal ward...and I was discharged on 24.09.09, exactly one week after the Surgery....

I am feeling fine...otherwise I won't be blogging at 6.30 am....Thank God....now I am to take rest until 15th November 2009...


Anonymous said…

God bless you. My father is having severe artery blockage and unsuitable to do bypass surgery due to high risk. Some doctor in my hometown recommend him to see Dato Dr.Rozali. I try to reach Dr.Rozali at Sime Darby medical centre but admin refuse to give me Dr' contact number。intead, they ask me to admit my father for all checkout, but what i actually want is only to meet dr.Rozali to seek his consult on my father situation.

If possible please let me know where Dr.Rozali is running his clinic and his contact number.

Sorry to trouble you because i have no other alternative trying to seek treatment for my father.

thanks again.

Sukku said…
Dear Chou,
I am so sorry to reply this late as I just opened my blog and came across your reply on for my moderation. I hope it is not to late but please make an appointment to see Dr. Jaya Malar, the cardiologist at Sime Darby hospital, she will recommend Dr. Rozali. Please reply to this this. And if you want to talk to me, please let me know so that I can pass you my phone number.
Anonymous said…
Hi sukku,
Im Chong, my father will do CABG next week at SDMC(Dr.Rozali) too , all of us is so anxious.But after read your sharing experince about CABG, I feel more calm. I hope God will bless my father too.I love to read your blog.And happy to know that you have happy & healty life style now. Anyway,thanks for your sharing ^,^

Sukku said…
Dear Chong,

Don't worry as everything will be fine. Your dad is in good hands. Life is back to normal for me and I am busy with work now.

All my best for the surgery. Take care.

If you need to talk, please email me at rsukumaran@hotmail.my

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