Writer's block

Seems like I am stuck on what to write and where is my tea to perk me up? I am sitting in my cabin at my office and wondering what I should write. So far nothing interesting happened to me as it has been work, work and work. I was appointed as a Director for one of our subsidiary as a corporate nominee from my company. But the catch is, I am appointed as a Director with all the liabilities minus the extra cash. Am I being foolish?

I leave that as it is and now I have to unblock my writer's block. Come on ideas, flow. Looks like it is dried up and maybe I should meditate and something might creep in while I am in bliss meditating. But then again, meditating in my cabin is not a good idea as it would construe that I am sleeping on my job or they might think that I have turned into a zombie.

Yeah, I got my trip to Hyderabad on 09.11.2008 approved by the Directors and I am going to be there to wind up my residence and office, I would be there for a week (aha...paid vacation). Well that would give me a lot of stuff to write and perhaps take some snap shots of Hyderabad too.

Ah...the Briyani and kebabs in Hyderabad is already making my mouth water and looks like my laptop is getting drenched......got to stop....otherwise...it would get short-circuit....


Aleta said…
Writer's block happens often. Sometimes, you just have to welcome it in and then it goes away. :)
Anonymous said…
Take Foculate. It's a brain supplement that was designed for creative people. It helped me beat a bad bout of creative constipation. I had it bad for about a month and it started getting the juices flowing. It basically relieves stress and anxiety and then fills you with focused energy. It's part of my morning ritual now. I think this is the site:

Sukku said…
Aleta@Thank you and I hope that it is just a phase or maybe I have to get out and get a life....besides work...
Sukku said…
Jamie@ Thanks for the info...I'll check the site out...
Renu said…
It happens to I think everyone, so u r visiting HYD, my fav. city:).
Have u seen Shilparaman, if not chk it out, nice place:)
Anonymous said…
hey, enjoy your paid vacation :) and gorge on mouth-watering hydrebadi biryani and kebabs :)
Sukku said…
Renu@I was posted to Hyderabad before and I was running our company's office there for 6 years (just return home for abt 3 months and I have some unfinished business there) It's a nice city and yes I have been to Shilparaman....the cultural village.
Sukku said…
scribbler@ Thank you and I would definitely have kebabs and the works...briyani at Paradise

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