It takes time to heal

I have been rather impatient with the progress of my healing; not realizing that I had a major surgery (open heart) where they had cut my sternum and it takes time to heal. I came to terms that I have be patient after I read this chapter on Patience from the book titled "Wisdom of the Ages" by Wayne W. Dyer.
Do not be desirous of having
things done quickly. Do not
look at small advantages.
Desire to have things done
quickly prevents their being
done thoroughly. Looking
at small advantages prevents
great affairs from being
         Confucius (551 B.C – 479 B.C)

I am feeling restless as I want to get back to normal life but if I apply my impatience, then I will be preventing the healing process. There is another proverb from the book, "With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown", and also he says that impatience breeds fear, stress and discouragement. So let nature take its own course and have a stress free existence.


♥ Braja said…
Patience is a virtue...:)
Healing does take time, patience and acceptance. All the best.
Healing does take time, patience and acceptance. All the best.
Sukku said…
Yes takes time and patience...and I am accepting it...

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