Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Off to Moscow

My son left for Moscow via Bangkok by Thai Airways on 08.09.08 to do his medical studies at Moscow Medical University. We would only be able to see him in the first week of July 2009.

I guess we as parents have to accept the fact that our little boy is not little anymore.


Ugich Konitari said...

My best wishes to you son. (We went through the same thing about 3 years ago, when our son went for his doctorate, and we saw him again only after 3 years.... )

Sukku said...

It was kinda a hard for me as I was away most of the time and now when I am back home, my son has left for his studies and my second boy would join him soon in 2010. Well have to get used to the fact that they would be going away eventually.

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious said...

i can't imagine being apart from my family for so long! I'll be home sick! Best wishes to your son! :)

Sukku said...

Thank you Jean...we talk to him everyday ever since he left for Moscow and he is getting adjusted there. By June 09 he would be back for his holidays.

Shree said...

Its always hard to live away from home, but after he becomes a doctor, what amount of pride and joy he would bring to the family!

Best wishes to him!

Sukku said...

Thank you Shree