Thursday, May 15, 2008

Firefox 3 Beta 5

I have been contemplating on installing Firefox 3 Beta 5 for quite sometime. When my fingers reach for the DVD from the latest PC magazine which has this software for free, something in me tells me to stop. Not that I haven't used Firefox before, but it was the older version and that too when IE 7 wasn't out yet. Beta's are usually buggy, correct me if I am wrong and it is for testers.

Currently I am using IE 7 and Opera 9.27, I tried Safari 3.1 but I uninstalled it as I can't view most of the web pages and I have to download some plug ins (why go through the hassle?).

So I thought to myself, what better way, then to solicit some views from the users themselves who are reading this blog and you can pass me some pointers and advice me whether I should or shouldn't install it. Should I wait for the final version?

Let me know, how many browsers do you have installed in your pc and which do you rate as the best.


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