Happy Diwali

Well it's that time of the year that all the Hindu's get to celebrate Diwali and here in Malaysia it is celebrated in a very grand manner too. I remember how I used to get up very early and help my parents with the decoration and all my new clothes would be lined up in the prayer room so that they can bless them and after that I get to wear my new clothes. Usually the prayers would start after our oil bath.

We would have open house and my friends would start coming over to visit us from late morning until late in the night. My mum would be busy with the preparation of food and usually it would be Briyani, Kurma and lots of other stuff.

Well that was many years back and this Diwali I would be in my sisters house for lunch and later at night with my parents. It's been awhile since I was at home in Malaysia for Diwali but on this special day I sure would feel nostalgic as I enjoyed this festival during my childhood with all the "ang-pow" that I would receive from my relatives and now it's pay back time as I have to give to all the nephews and nieces. By the way "ang-pow" is a Chinese term for money being given in a packet and since we are in a multi racial community here, we have imbibed a little bit of everyone's culture.

Here's wishing everyone a very "Happy Diwali" and do light up a lamp for the goodness that is still prevailing in our times.


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