Living in Fear

Are we living in an age of fear? Fear of losing our job, fear of flying, fear of talking, fear of eating, fear of our health, or to sum it up; fear of fear itself. Looks like we are always bombarded with events that takes place all around us which puts us in fear and this somehow moulds us from being that carefree person into a psychotic human being who is fearful of his/her own shadow.

Look at the meltdown in U.S, doesn't that create a fear in our well being, fear of a recession which effects us on our job security Are we at the end of our times where we live in constant fear. What happened to the good old days?

Look at the price of petrol, it sky rocketed and the prices of good went up along with it and now when the price per barrel has dropped below the USD 100 mark, there seems to be no tandem decrease of essential goods.

Are we in fear of terrorist attacks, fear of war and now it's fear of drinking milk or consuming any milk products from China. Now tell me what is next?


Renu said…
I say leave evrything to the God, he will look after us, we just need to live our life without any fear:)
Sukku said…
Sometimes the fear of the unknown creeps in and we react in haste and we that itself would be a wake up call for us from our slumber in our comfort zone.
Ugich Konitari said…
Fear makes people do such horrible things. Just read about this Indian Guy in LA who killed his entire family including 70 year old m-in-law, as he couldnt handle the Fear of failure, after the economic meltdown....

A firm belief in God , faith , and an acceptance that life consists of some Bad that teaches us something, probably helps. But do we have time ?
Renu said…
I agree completely with Ugich konitari
Sukku said…
I guess a little bit of fear would be helpful but we should let fear dictate our lives...

Thanks Ugich for your insight...
Sukku said…
oops...typo...we should not let fear dictate our lives
Sukku said…
oops...typo...we should not let fear dictate our lives

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