The Saga continues
Yes I had my 2nd round of interview yesterday afternoon with the Managing Director of the company that I intend to join and I spend about 1.5 hours with him. He went through my resume and we chatted about old friends in the industry and it so happens that one of the person that he had in mind was my ex-Boss. Half way through the interview he had called him and after he had spoken to him he had passed the phone to me and it was nearly 10 years since I had spoken to my ex-Boss and he still recognised me. Now I am wondering whether this was part of the interview where he was checking or verifying what I had told him on the people that I knew. Anyway I had a small discussion with the Director too and he had some problem that his Engineer had posed and he wanted me to have a look at it. So there I was looking at the problem and joining in the discussion. It looks like they want me on-board but they have not confirmed on anything yet.
The Managing Director had informed me that he would let me know in another couple of days as he told me that they would call me up for the 3rd round of interview. Boy I never knew that job interviews can be this lengthy. I remember my interview that I had with my present company, the Senior Manager had flew in from the HQ with my appointment letter and he told me to sign it immediately and that was what I did and I am with this company for the past 17 years.
I thought to myself, now what is the worst thing that can happen? Nothing actually as I already have a job and if I don't get it, so be it. But deep down, I do want to get the job and I guess it is time that I moved on from my existing company. The other thing that I don't like is the waiting game and it really puts everything on hold and the expectation of getting the good news along with the package (salary & perks).
So I guess I have to be patience for another couple of days and I would also know the fate of my company based on the Annual General Meeting which is on Thursday. So a lot things that I have to look forward to by this week. It's like Do or Die, however you look at it.
The Managing Director had informed me that he would let me know in another couple of days as he told me that they would call me up for the 3rd round of interview. Boy I never knew that job interviews can be this lengthy. I remember my interview that I had with my present company, the Senior Manager had flew in from the HQ with my appointment letter and he told me to sign it immediately and that was what I did and I am with this company for the past 17 years.
I thought to myself, now what is the worst thing that can happen? Nothing actually as I already have a job and if I don't get it, so be it. But deep down, I do want to get the job and I guess it is time that I moved on from my existing company. The other thing that I don't like is the waiting game and it really puts everything on hold and the expectation of getting the good news along with the package (salary & perks).
So I guess I have to be patience for another couple of days and I would also know the fate of my company based on the Annual General Meeting which is on Thursday. So a lot things that I have to look forward to by this week. It's like Do or Die, however you look at it.
You have a clear direction and only the results have kept you anticipating. I hope your 'couple of days' wait yeilds a happy result :)
Yes it is as the mother of our corporate battle is 23.10.08 and from there we as employees would know who our real Boss is. I am reporting to the directors of the new team and my old Boss is going to stake his claim at the AGM i.e. on 23.10.08. I am part of the Management team in reviving the company and since I know what shape we are in, that's why I opted to look for other options. Hopefully I get that important phone call soon.
Being an onlooker is easier than being involved in the decision making process. Since you are a part of the management group ,it must be difficult. But the D day is close by, thankfully :)
Yup I am keeping my fingers crossed.