My morning posting

Don't have much time to say anything but what the heck I might as type a few words. I have a management meeting at 10.00 a.m. and God knows how long it will go on. This time they have changed the venue of the meeting from Head Office to our Development Office which is about 10 minutes drive from my site and it is toll free too.

Day's are flying fast and nothing concrete has been firmed up with my company yet. I am sure you have noticed that all my blogs are somehow connected to my predicament that I am facing now and I bet you must have got bored reading my stuff.

I believe our mind is a very peculiar thing as it dwells on the problems that we have in hand and it looks for a way out by looking for solace and sympathy.

I have an interview tomorrow morning and hope things work out well and this time I shouldn't be asking for a fat pay. Just have to find a way to get out of this rut and maybe grab whatever that is being offered. I am still fine here sitting in this sinking ship with a bucket bailing out the water but eventually I guess the bucket would give way or I would die of exhaustion(or the ship would sink)

So do you think it's time for me to jump ship and look for the life line?


Aleta said…
It doesn't do the spirit and soul good to constantly feel as though you are on a sinking ship. Find a new venue, find what makes you happy and steer your own ship.
Sukku said…
Thanks for the advise and I guess I have find a new ship.

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