What perks you up?

Have you ever got up in the morning feeling all drained out of energy? What do you reach out to rejuvenate yourself? For me I guess it is a strong cup of tea brewed by myself as I like it no other way. Now after the strong cup of tea I am ready to face the morning and I have also started on my multi vitamin and mineral supplements too as I feel it has helped me to feel alert.

And what sort of breakfast do you have? I prefer my two slice of wholemeal bread with a thin spread of margarine.

Would listening to music perks you up? It does sometimes for me depending on my mood and right now I am listening to REO Speedwagon " I can't fight this feeling" and I know it is helping me fight this day.

So tell me what gets you going?


Anonymous said…
For me, the first thing in the morning is a cup of piping hot strong coffee...if i dont have it my entire day gets spoilt...and i love tuning into Radio Mirchi on my way to work
Pinku said…
a nice cup of coffee..preferably served in bed...

a good piece of music on the way to work...

a cheerful smile on my partner's face in the evening when we meet...

a good book or film or theater that i get to experience...

all this perks me up. makes me feel alive and kicking to do more.
Sukku said…
scribbler@Thank you for sharing what perks you up and I am sure it must be South Indian filtered coffee...
Sukku said…
pinku@ hmm....coffee in bed sounds heavenly....and thank you for sharing...

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