Report from my Interview
Since I am waiting from 11.30 a.m. until 12.10 p.m. for the so-called Boss (that's what the staff said) I decided to blog and wanted to share how I feel sitting in a different environment for my interview. Its lunch time and I see the staff going out for their food. Now I'm thinking "What the hell am l doing here" away from my comfort zone and I'm feeling hungry like hell. Why can't anyone just stick to timing or appointments? Is it a right thing for me to do? Am I jumping from the frying pan to the fire?
I just went out for lunch and the Boss called me. I told him that I'm in the middle of my lunch (I had a bowl of fish ball noodles) and here I am waiting for him again. I have got used to this waiting, thanks to my years in India. I just checked with the staff and they told me that he is in his room but I can't get him on his phone. Thanks to my Pocket PC phone otherwise I won't be able to blog this while waiting. Let me call him again.
The interview was good and it lasted for 1.5 hrs. (Wondering why he just didn’t get me to sign the appointment letter). Now I have to meet the other director for the second round, guess I have to keep my fingers crossed again.
Signing out.